Welll first we left Saint George to head to Las Vegas that morning, and we drove probaley 2 hours and a half maybe, oh and also Jewels was with us too so that was really cool. Any ways so we got to the Hotel finally wich was the New Orleans Hotel it was relly pretty. So we got our room and it was a nice room too but it did not have good Tv cahnnells that was kind of anaying. Well so my brother Lamar and my twin sis Jacqueline went Bowling but I was too tired so was Jewels. And the next morning was the day of the the Concert and well lamar, Jacqueline , my Mom and Jewels went swimming I didn't want to go plus I can't be in the Sun and secound I can't swim in pulplic pools, but threid is be cause I wanted to get ready for the concert even thow it did'nt start untill like six at night plus I wanted to be the first to be ready. Aly ways so the came back and was really shoced that I was all ready, and then every one got ready. So we had Pizza for lunch it was really good, and then we started to heead to the Jonas Brothers Concert and VIPSound Check Party with the Jonas Brothers Me and My Twin Sister Got too go because we had speal tickets and we got to even hug them too. And so theis is a Pacage thing were you get a gieft bag from them and them, and then you get to see them have sound check were the get ready befor the concert. And sometimes you get too ask them Questions and stuff.
any was that was at 4:00 to like 5:oo. And then we left And we went to find my mom me and Jacqueline my twin. And then we told her all about it, andshe was so happy that I got to do that and L know my mommy loves me so much. And then that night was the concert. So we went to the Concrt and I guess it wasent allowed to Rec. and so this worker told me to come with him and was cryiing and telling my sister to come with me but she said"No No No No" and i said "Please come with me" And she wouldn't come with me, so I went with the manager guy and we left the concert out of the Venu and we went to this desk and he said to this lady that I was recording and she felt so bad for me cause I was crying and I kept saying I didn't know I'am so sorry. And she was like oh my gosh you scared this girl to deth, and so then we went back to the concert and the way that we had to go was throw Backstage so that was so cool. but ya anyways that was a cool the concert cause Honor Society played and Jordin Sparks played with The Jonas Brothers, and it was so Heart warming cause Jordin Sparks while singing she touch his chick, Joe Jonas it was Amazing. And We finised the concert and we went to back to Hotel and Anyways it was Amazing.