Sunday, November 29, 2009

Went And Saw Honor Society

Well it was on October 24 , 2009 on A Saturday. And it was in Murry, Utah near Salt Lake City at the Murry Theater. And well so me and my Mom left that day and started to drive up to the concert and so it took us a little while to get there and the Concert was sapost to start at 7:00pm but the doors opened at 6:30 and well we got there at  like 8:00pm and we were sad cause we thought that we missed the Concert but we didn't miss it which was a good thing and so then during the concert they sang a song called " See You In The Dark" and they do a Dance to that song and I did that dance and it was so much fun. And then at the end of the concert everyone got to meet them and take a picture with them and a singed poster of them and well and during the concert they had a spacial guest and her name was Esmee Denters. It was really cool and then after the concert you could meet them and stuff but you had to buy a Ticket to it and i didn't have a ticket and my mom Told them That I had a Heart Transplant and I wanted to see these guys so bad and they just said yes to every thing so i got too meet them and stuff it was amazing and I told one of the singers in the band that I had a Heart Transplant and I Got two singed  Guitar picks which was amazing and i got to hug them so right after i got in the car and changed my shirt and putted my shirt that they gave me hug with and saved it and I'm going to put it in a frame. It was So Amazing the best time in my Life.   :)

This Is What Has Been Going On For Last Couple Of Week's

Well I went to My Heart Cath and It Was Perfect :) and I Went to my Regular Check Up and Everthing Was Good too the only thing was that they had to change my Thiod Medication and my Prograf. 

Sunday, October 18, 2009


Well I had two Hearts Caths and they were Both really good. Anyways And I'am still in High School. And I Went to Home Coming. And I went with a guy name Tynan, and he is 17 Years old, and we went out to Dinner at Olive Gardon and I had the 5 chesse zitey. I have been doing really good.

Friday, September 11, 2009

All About My Jonas Brothers Concert In Las Vegas, Nevada


Welll first we left Saint George to head to Las Vegas that morning, and we drove probaley 2 hours and a half maybe, oh and also Jewels was with us too so that was really cool. Any ways so we got to the Hotel finally wich was the New Orleans Hotel it was relly pretty. So we got our room and it was a nice room too but it did not have good Tv cahnnells that was kind of anaying. Well so my brother Lamar and my twin sis Jacqueline went Bowling but I was too tired so was Jewels. And the next morning was the day of the the Concert and well lamar, Jacqueline , my Mom and Jewels went swimming I didn't want to go plus I can't be in the Sun and secound I can't swim in pulplic pools, but threid is be cause I wanted to get ready for the concert even thow it did'nt start untill like six at night plus I wanted to be the first to be ready. Aly ways so the came back and was really shoced that I was all ready, and then every one got ready. So we had Pizza for lunch it was really good, and then we started to heead to the Jonas Brothers Concert and VIPSound Check Party with the Jonas Brothers Me and My Twin Sister Got too go because we had speal tickets and we got to even hug them too. And so theis is a Pacage thing were you get a gieft bag from them and them, and then you get to see them have sound check were the get ready befor the concert. And sometimes you get too ask them Questions and stuff.
any was that was at 4:00 to like 5:oo. And then we left And we went to find my mom me and Jacqueline my twin. And then we told her all about it, andshe was so happy that I got to do that and L know my mommy loves me so much. And then that night was the concert. So we went to the Concrt and I guess it wasent allowed to Rec. and so this worker told me to come with him and was cryiing and telling my sister to come with me but she said"No No No No" and i said "Please come with me" And she wouldn't come with me, so I went with the manager guy and we left the concert out of the Venu and we went to this desk and he said to this lady that I was recording and she felt so bad for me cause I was crying and I kept saying I didn't know I'am so sorry. And she was like oh my gosh you scared this girl to deth, and so then we went back to the concert and the way that we had to go was throw Backstage so that was so cool. but ya anyways that was a cool the concert cause Honor Society played and Jordin Sparks played with The Jonas Brothers, and it was so Heart warming cause Jordin Sparks while singing she touch his chick, Joe Jonas it was Amazing. And We finised the concert and we went to back to Hotel and Anyways it was Amazing.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

I Well Blog Again Soon

Anyways so like I said Disneyland and it alot of Fun. And know I well Write back after I Go See The Jonas Brother's again on August 1st in Las Vegas, Oh and I Have new News. And Well here,
Event:    Jonas Brothers Tickets          Venue:    Mandalay Bay Resort Event Center, Las Vegas, NV           Date:    08-01-2009 07:00 PM PST                Quantity:    2        Section:    FLOOR 9 - JONAS SOUND CHECK PARTY            Row:    C - VIP!       Comments:    VIP PACKAGE INCLUDES EARLY ADMISSION INTO VENUE, SOUND CHECK PARTY WITH JONAS BROTHERS, VIP PARKING, JONAS BROTHERS GIFT, VIP LAMINATE, PLUS MORE!!!
And that is so cool. I well Blog Later and I can't Wait to see the Jonas Brothers :)

I Got To Go Too Disneyland

Well I went to Disney Land. It was my first time, Cause I onley have been to Disney World. Cause that was my Make A Wish. Anyways so I went to Disneyland and I went too most of the rides and It was my First time going on a Roller Coster that go's up side down and at first i just was very scared so I just got in and said too my self  "It is always fun trying somthing new".Well so i went on it and was so much Fun. Any way's it was so much fun. And well that's that. 

Monday, July 13, 2009

Pictures Of The Jonas Brother Cocert I Went Too

I Went And Saw The JONAS BROTHERS 4th Of July Stadium Of Fire

Well we all got dressed and Ready at the Hotel in Salt Lake City It turns out that it didn't start until 8. At one point I waited around to see the boys walk from their meet and greet room to backstage, And when I went Up too see them walk By I was not even close to the gate and Then my mom Said to these boys that I Had a HEART Transplant and They said Oh My gosh you did and I'm like yep and then they me get up right to the gate and said Thank You so many Times. since there really wasn't anything happening we waited and waited but I guess The Jonas Brothers was Never coming so then I see Big Rob walked through and The Jonas Brothers Father and Big Rob is There Body Grad and when they do come out too see there Fans they are always with him, so they didn't come but I got too see Big Rob and There Dad with was awesome, but I do know that They sure love their fans.

Then this political guy comes out on stage and before I know it little kids in red white and blue dance costumes are dancing around with disks. It was so cool and neat. And then people were throwing and playing with fire and running all over the place. And THEN these people in hats came out singing a song from the music man.It was the strangest thing I've ever seen. Oh, and then jets flew over the stadium. The stadium was so awesome looking with Red, White and Blue stars and lights. It turns out that the whole event was broadcast for over 1,000 military bases. I thought that was really wonderful :)

So after more dancing from the little kids, SHeDAISY, the opening band came out. NO ONE stood up for them. It was crazy. Actually, three girls in about... 3rd row all the way over were dancing around for half the songs, but I think I was the only one how wanted to stand up but my twin sister didn't want too so I was too Scared but my sweet Jewels was Jumping up and down it so adorable. Anyway, after they played four songs and left the stage, the strange political man came back on stage and made us all pray and then sing some patriotic songs to the giant flag that they put up it was really wired cause last Year when I went too the Stadium of Fire For Miley Cyrus With my Mom And Twin Sister Jacqueline we didn't do any thing like that we just sang the Nathanial Athum. 

Then right before the boys came out, girls rushed to the stage! And I asked my Mom what was going on and she said the JONAS BROTHERS are Coming. And I ran up there and everyone was Pushing but I was Small enough to squeezed be tween kids so I Finally got to the Stage and I was throw it. It was so,so,so cool, I'm so glad I am A tiny little sweet Shrimp.You know the performance where Joe fell in front of millions of people on national television? ;) well remember how the girls RUSHED the stage at the beginning? (that was planned for that performance) That was exactly what it was like for this concert. But I figured they'd make everyone go back, right? NOPE. There was this HUGE crowd of people. And THEN after all the children rushed the stage in clouding me, all of the Mom's decided to stand on their chairs. I really felt like I was in one of my Dreams I had about The Jonas Brothers Except it was Real I so amazed trow out the whole Concert. They NEVER let people rush the stage anymore. 

 But Jewel's Was Sitting with my Mom and  standed on a chair and was having a Blast my Mom Told me... of course security made people get down, But they let her Standed up. Kevin didn't see me, but I was on Nick's and Joe's Side and Kevin kind of in the middle but right next to the Stage And I recorded all of Them Mostly Joe cause he was so close to me And My Twin Sister She Recorded most of the Concert she is a Really a Great Recorder. Thanks Sissy. But Joe did     definitely saw me alot of times and I think he smiled to me a Couple time I almost touched him and almost held my Hand it didn't happen but that's OK, I was like 4 inches away from his feet, it was so Amazing.

And Joe! He smiled for most of the concert. As I said, it Was a Dream come true the Whole intire thing was a dream come true. All of the backup band was too far away to try and get looks from. RIGHT after the boys left the stage, the fireworks started :) AND DEFYING GRAVITY WAS PLAYING OVER THE SPEAKERS DURING THE FIREWORKS!!! It was perfection. Then they place burned the flag they had been using for years since it had a lot of holes in it. It was really beautiful :)  it was so amazing. It was one of the best 4th of July I have ever had. And my Mom buy ed me a Jonas Brother Shirt and A Jonas Brother Tour Book and my Sister A Sweeter and My Niece a Shirt it was so much Fun, Thank You Mom. This was my Dream Come True And It Came True :)

We Went Too Price Too Pick Up Jewels

So then a Couple days later we drove down too price too pick up my Niece Jewels too take her with us up too Provo, Utah for the 4th of July. So we got her stuff all packed and ready to go, and then she good Bye to her Grandma Davis and Grandpa Davis and We had A Big Surprise for her and Me it was because we well not see her again for a Very, Very long time. And this Surprise was one of my Main Birthday Presents I always wanted And Was That We Are going To See THE JONAS BROTHER"S For The Stadium Of Fire. OMG ThE JoNaS BrOtHeRs :) :) :) :) 
OMJ (Oh My Jonas) This was The Second Best Of My Life, Because The First Best Day Of My Life Was When I Got My New HEART. And this was the Second. OMG OMG OMG..... I Well Blog After The JONAS BROTHER CONCERT.

Well The Next Day We Get A Phone Call By Dr.Emily Thr Heart Transplant Cordanator

Well then the next day that we were leaving to go to Saint George. We get a Phone Call by Emily And She Said "Hi Paula this is Emily i just wanted to tell you that Megan's  biopsy was perfect it was a  110 just do the changes we discussed in clinic and then we well see you on the appointment date we just set up thank you." And then right after my mom herd that voice mail me and her were like yes yes. Hurray

Friday, July 10, 2009


Well so then she said my Heart was in REJECTION. And the reason was Because my Lab Work was All Very Bad Results, so she said that my Heart Cath would be like 2.889 instead of how good they were last time which was like 1.112 So I just Said to my Self  " I might of wells just Give Up on Every thing. And me and my Mom was so scared and stuff. So then we left the Hospital and went and saw some of my B.A.C.A Guy's who was Spongrob, M&M, and Speedy but I Call him Dr.Speedy. SO i told all my B.A.C.A guys the bad news that my New Heart was getting Sick. Well so we went and ate at A&W with Speedy and M&M, and then the Next Day we Stayed at the Ronald House. Then we went back Home to ST.George.

All About My Heart Cath On Friday June 26, 2009

Well the day before we drove up too Salt Lake City, Well my Mom had too first go too Work at The Hospitial, And my Mom gave us an Appoitment to a Masagge Place and it was prettty cool because it was my first time. Well so the Next day was my HEART CATH. And well so we got at the Hospitial and Checked in and every thing. Well So my came into the operating room thing and then they told her she had too leave because I wasn't Falling asleep. So when she left I still wasnet falling Asleep and then they had too give me alot more Laghing Gas so when they did that the Lemon Smell went awaway so it smelt really Bad. Well and I guess well I wouldn't Wake Up at all Because I usally Wake up In about 2 Hours, but this time I didn't Wake Up for 5 Hours. So that wasn't good but I Did woke Up which was good. And then After That we Went down to The CARDIOLAGEY DEPARTMENT and so then they did my Heart Cardiogram, And well then After that we went in and Saw DR.Evritt well and then she looked at the LAB WORK Results that they did during my Heart Cath. Well then she Said...........

Sunday, May 31, 2009

My Favorite TV Show J.O.N.A.S

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I'm So Sorry I Haven't Been Blogging, This Is What's Been Going On

Well this is whats been going on for the last mounth. First I went too an Appointment at the end of April and It was a Great Appointment. They just checked out too see how Thumper is doing which is my New Heart of course

they just did an ECHO CARDIOGRAM and the ECHO was great, and then the did the small check up of course you know like Listen to my heart and see how good Thumpers Ticker is working, and it was working the way it sapost too be and that was Awesome. And then they did the rest. And then decided to Seclude my next Heart Cath which is going to be on June 28. So then we did all of that. And then we went Back home to saint George.

And the next thing that I remember is that we went down to price and went and saw my Niece Jewels. And well I did have a lot of fun with Jewels it's just that right now my family of Jewels which would be Jewels Dad, Mom ,and her Grandma Davis which is her moms moms, And Grandma Paula which is jewels Dads mom and which is my mom too cause Jewels Daddy is my Brother. Well anyway and so we saw jewels from noon to 6:30 at night for about 3 day's cause she is in Custody with Jewels moms mom anyways so that was kinda of sad too see Jewels like that but it was OK at lest I got too see her. And then we Drove back home, And Stuff. I real Blog again really soon. And it well be about going too my Next Appointment,Plus I got too see one of my Heart Babies, Which was Kadeince.

Friday, April 10, 2009

My Sister's Boyfriend Is In The ICU In Las Vegas Cause He Was In A Serious Car Accident, And Please Pray For Him His Name Is Tim

Utah Driver Critically Injured In Falcon Ridge Wreck NHP ( Nevada Highway Patrol) Claims Vehicles Drag Racing, One Arrested. A Utah man was critically injured on Sunday night during a wreck on Falcon Ridge Parkway in Mesquite. Initial reports from the Mesquite Police Department indicated that the individual had died later in the evening. However, according to the victim’s mother, the young man is clinging to life in a Las Vegas hospital. “He’s a good kid,” said Stacy Nelson, mother of Timothy Maas, the man who was driving the BMW on Falcon Ridge Parkway around 9:30 p.m. “There was no alcohol or drugs found in his system.”
Nelson was told by friends who were on the scene of the accident that no drag racing was involved. “He was taking the car for a test drive, and opened it up,” Nelson said on Tuesday morning. However, the Nevada Highway Patrol has confirmed that the vehicles appeared to be drag racing on Falcon Ridge Parkway. The driver of the second vehicle is currently in the Clark County Jail on charges involving the wreck. According to witnesses, the 21-year-old driver of the BMW lost control and struck a curb, causing the vehicle to roll several times.
The second vehicle, reportedly a 2005 Dodge Neon, veered right and struck another curb, causing it to flip as well. According to NHP, the vehicles did not hit each other.
When the BMW rolled over, Maas was thrown from the vehicle. According to his mother, he sustained severe head injuries, broken ribs, and a punctured lung, and was Life-Flighted to Las Vegas. Now he is fighting for his life, with bleeding in his brain. “He’s on four different prayer lists right now,” Nelson said. The passenger in the BMW, James Austin, received minor injuries.
Both men were from Utah. According to one police officer, departments often see an uptick in occurrences of illegal street drag racing after the release of movies which glorify the event.
The officer pointed out that the fourth installment of “The Fast and Furious” hit theatres on Friday, just two days before the accident. And my Twin Sister Jacqueline dosen't know what to really do about it So maybe you guys can help me give her some advice, just please Pray for him his name is Timothy Maas Thank You.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

All About My Heart Cath On Last Friday And My White Count Is To Low

Well last Friday I had my heart Cath done. And well so me and my mommy went into the same day surgery and they called me and then i got all ready too go in the Cath lab, so i went in asked them if i could page Holly the Child Specialist, and so they did. And well so the Doctors and Nurses putted my IV in first before I went in, and then I got Scared and was crying and my Mom said " hunny why are you crying sweety". And I said " Because I like it when they do everything the same way they always do , cause the nurse was going too give me some Medicine and said too my that this is never the way it's soapiest too be. And so my Mommy said too the Nurse that she doesn't need that, So the Nurse said OK then. So I told her that the smelling i wanted to be Root Beer in the Anastasia mask, and she said OK. and I then went finally asleep. Well so I guess waked up around 2 o'clock, and I woke up and just said my Mommy I want too wacth my new CD/DVD Jonas Brothers DVD. And she said OK. And the funny thing was I guess when I was Asleep my butted my ear phones in my Ear and she  said that I was listening too my New CD of Hannah Montana: The Movie Soundtrack, which was kind of funny.So we got all done with my Heart Cath and I then got dressed in my regular clothes, and we left and went up to the First Floor too Cardiology too Dr.Everett. Well so we went and  did my Echo and it  was very good and Prefect, also my EKG. And so then I went too clinic the next day and Michelle and Dr.Everett said that my Prograf Level was still very messed up, So know I like two different dose at Night and Morning. And then they told me and my Mommy that my White Count went back down too 2.4 from 4.2, and 2.4 is not good. So ya anyways, and I'm Sixteen Years Old.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

It Was My Sixteenth Brithday

ok well so theis is whats been going on for ther last week. Well know I am Sixteen years old, I truned sixteen on the 22 of March which was a Sunday. And put see I have been Home all theis time and so I had A blood test on the 20th of March and so they checked my Prograf Level and it was really, really High. So then they checked it again on Monday but we didnt get the results back, so I think they sent the results up to Primarys for Dr.Evritt too check and see the Results. And Well and My Blood Presure was being Really wired last week, but know it is alot better. Well so on my Brithday It wasen't a sweet Sixteen, But it was really fun and Stuff. So know here's a New old Post for everything thats been going on again. I know I haven't been Posting for a very, very, very long time Iam so, so, so Sorry..... Well theis is what I got for my Brithday. Heres a List of what I got. Miley Cyrus Breakout Platinum Edition CD,Hannah Montana: The Movie Soundtrack,Demi Lovato Don't Forget [Deluxe Edition],Jonas Brothers: Bonus Jonas Edition, And Concert Ticket's too go see The Jonas Brothers,(Stadium Of Fire:Jonas Brothers Lavell Edwards Stadium Provo,UT Saterday 7/4/2009 8:00 PM. The Jonas Brothers World Tour 2009 Las Vegas, NV Saterday Aug 1, 2009 7:30 PM. Well so ya I had a great Brithday.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Theis Is What Has Been Going On Sense I Came Home

Well I'm so so so sorry i haven't blogged for a very long time. Its just that i have been busy with me going home and finally going back too school. Well so know I have been home for 3 Week's as of tomorrow which is going to be a Friday.Well so this is what has been going on sense i have been home, first we keep moving too all this houses so we have place too sleep and stuff, just too let you guys know we are not POOR YET which is a good thing for know. So well we had no more place too live at so we had too stay in a hotel for a while,and then we got kicked out of the Mooter Home, but its still OK cause we are living in this house, and its a really wired house I have ever seen in my whole in tire life just too be serious. Anyways so know were living in the wired house, but we did find a house too buy which is so so existing, and so that's about it for know, so I well Blog again later.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Gracie Jean Gledhill

Gracie Jean Gledhill, age 11 months, passed away Monday, March 2, 2009 due to complications from a congenital heart defect. Gracie was born March 20, 2008 to Tom and Michele Gledhill in Salt Lake City, Utah. Words cannot express the love we have for our Gracie Girl. She captured the hearts of everyone who knew her. Her eyes looked into your soul. We cherished her smile, her sweet spirit and were in awe of her continual fight for life. Gracie was our sunshine. Her light and amazing story was contagious. She deeply touched hundreds of people worldwide through her blog. She endured more trials, pain and affected more people than most of us will do in a lifetime. We are better people because of her and look forward to being a forever family. She is survived by her parents, her loving brothers Max and Taylor and her sweet sister Callie. Grandparents; Grant (Arlene) Snow, Connie (Gary) Mayer, Katherine (Theron) Wiser, and Rhett Gledhill, along with many aunts, uncles and cousins. We want to thank all of the amazing doctors and nurses from Primary Children’s Medical Center who not only cared for Gracie, but loved her too. We will be forever grateful for their service. Funeral services will be Saturday, March 7, 2009 , 12:00 noon at the Highland South Stake Center, 9600 North 6800 West in Highland, Utah. There will be a viewing Friday evening from 6:00-8:00 p.m. at the same location and from 11:00-11:45 a.m. prior to services. Services provided by Warenski Funeral Home. Interment: Highland City Cemetery.

Monday, March 2, 2009

I'am Finally Home.

OK well I'm so, so sorry that I haven't been Blogging for like over a Month. Well anyways the Reason is cause I'm Back Home..... Finally back home. Well any ways this is so far whats been happing for the last few Week's. At First of all as I said before my Heart Cath went Perfectly Geart and Awesome and so that was the main reason for me too be ably too go Home down in ST.George. And well and then I think like two week's ago and I  went and saw Julian and we talked about, well so we started talking. And she said "know Megan you need too stop doing this you have too try too get it out of your head or you well need to go too a Treatment Center for me to get help" But we are working it out and trying too find out how too stop it, so that's a good thing. well and then me and Julian we were talking about more stuff.  Anyways and then me and her had too talk about my niece jewels which is about some bad stuff with Jewels my niece. So we did do that and it went really really pretty good but very sad too, so know we are just going too make shore that Jewels is OK now. So we both finally got all done talking. And then like a week ago I went and saw her again and me and her talked about everything for me when I get back ST.George and also back too School. Well so then I had my Last Clinic day on Thursday. And then me and my Mom, Sister  Jacqueline and Brother Lamar well we went and saw The Jonas Brother 3D Concert, and it was so cool. Well I well Blog again as soon as possible.

Monday, February 16, 2009

All About My Heart Cath On Friday.

Well so we went into the same day surgery and they called me and then i got all ready too go in the Cath lab, so i went in asked them if i could have my IV put in before i was asleep so they said that it was OK. So her I'm smelling apple in the Anastasia mask, and then the next thing I noticed that when they putted the Iv in me and then my blood was going up the tube into the IV fluids. Well so then the Doctors were so confused and worried, and I wasn't going too sleep with the laughing Gas, but they scared me so much. That I wasn't holding the mask on my face so then they finally said and told me that everything was alright. They said that they just hitted my arider when putting my IV in me. So then I wasn't scared anymore and I then went finally asleep. Well so I guess woked up around 2 o'clock, and I woke up and just said I'm Hungry which was so,so funny. So we got all done with my Heart Cath and I then got dressed in my regular clothes, and we left and went up to to the third floor, and we went and saw my bustiest Nurse Anette, well see shes like a second mommy too me, which she is. So we then left the Hospital and went and ate at Iceberg and it was very good. Well and then the Hospital calls my Mom and my Doctor told her too take me back too the Hospital, so we both went back too the Hospital. And they said too us that we forgotten too do my Echo and EKG. Well so we did it and and my Echo was very good, but my EKG was A little off cause my heart was beating too fast. Well any ways Then Dr.Everett came in and told us that my Heart Cath, and it went Prefect she said, well as if you know she told us that this Heart Cath was so post too tell her when I can go Home. Well so any ways Dr.Everett said that we might get too go Home at the end  of February or the beginning of March, but she's not quit shore yet. Well so that's about it for know , and just too let you guys know that I well Blog as soon as I can. Well so ya any ways. Oh and I just want too wish you guy's a Happy Valentines Day.

This Is What Has Been Going On For Last Few Day's

Well this is whats has been going on for the last week. Well first of all I got sick again, and so my Mom called  Emily The Transplant Cordinator, and she told my Mom too take me too the Hospital and so we went too the Hospital and they had too do some tests, like  a Trout Swab and then i had too have a Flu test, and it really hurt. Cause they had too put a Tube up my nose and it hurt really bad. Well and then I had my Heart Cath on Friday and so me and my mom got up and we both were getting ready and we  got dressed and all ready too go, I took all my Medicine, checked my Blood Pressure, and my Temperature, and wrote it down in my Heart, and Medicine Check Book, that I have been have too use sense I first got home from the Hospital. So then we left our house and went to the Hospital Primary Children's Hospital. Well so we went and went    in  too the same day surgery and......

Thursday, February 5, 2009

All About How It's Been And I Well Blog Again Soon.

OK well know see I'm still a little bit sick, and I'm still on my Antibiotic Medication. Well so just too let you guys know that ,my grandma and  grandpa are still up here with us, and well my grandma is doing a lot better. Well so see my grandpa, grandma,my sister Jacqueline,and my brother Lamar well they a going too the Jazz Basketball Game tonight which is really cool,but I cant go cause I'm Omnipresent and all that other stuff you know. So ell me and my Mommy are staying Home and my Grandma might too. Well see I'm so,so,so,so,so,very,very ,very ,very happy because I get too wacth the bran new episode of Grey's Anatomy and Private Practice, well see in Grey's Anatomy theirs this Doctor named Derick and he's in love with with Meredith Grey, well and see now in private Practice is a different show case see Derick's ex wife is in that show and tonight both off the shows are going to be together which is very cool, and even Derick's going too ask Meredith too ask her too Marry him. Well so ya anyways that about it.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

All About My Appoitment With Julian Smith And About My Grandma Having Stroke's.

Well Today is Wednesday which was my appointment withe Dr.Julian Smith and well for now on  only go see Julian on Wednesdays, cause I now she is moving too a new office again. So please you all  don't for get all of that. well so me and my mommy woke up, we were kind of late, but not that bad as we usually are well any ways. So we then both got in the shower, and we both got dressed and all ready too go too, well then I took all my Medicine, checked my Blood Pressure, and my Temperature, and wrote it down in my Heart, and Medicine Check Book, that I have been have too use sense I first got home from the Hospital still, don't forget that ether. And so my Mom had too take my Grandma too the ER because she has been having Strokes, so then me and my got all ready. So then my Mom came and got me and my sister, so then we  left our house about at 1:00am because my sister Jacqueline had too be at School by one o'clock and we dropped her off. So then me and my Mom drove too Julian's across from Trolley Square and she dropped me off because she had too go back too the Hospital for my Grandma.  And so I went into the Julian's new office down by Trolley Square. Well so then I went  and waited for Julian and then she came and got me, well so we started talking. And she said "know Megan you need too stop doing this you have too try too get it out of your head or you well need to go too a Treatment Center for me to get help" But we are working it out and trying too find out how too stop it, so that's a good thing. well and then me and Julian we were talking about more stuff.  Anyways and then me and her had too talk about my niece jewels which is about some bad stuff with Jewels my niece. So we did do that and it went really really pretty good but very sad too, so know we are just going too make shore that Jewels is OK now. But so then me and her talked about my Sexual Abuse by Tom, and that was so,so,so,so sad and hard too,I mean like every time I was telling her what he did too me ,I would always stop when i was going too tell her how he hurt me, but I really was so scared, so that was really had and very sad for me too do. So we both finally got all done talking. and know Dr.Hendricks works at a Mental Treatment Center called Wasatch Canyons. So then my Brother Lamar came and picked me upped, and we went Home then me and my Brother went and picked my sister up from School at 4:00 p.m. And then we went Home, and my Mom said that my Grandma well might be staying in the Hospital for a while ,I also then took my late afternoon Medicine wicth is always around six.  And I'm still on my Antibiotic Medicine. So ya any ways that's about it.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

I Had Too Go Too The Emergency Room At The Hospitial.

And then she said too my mom too take me into the ER, the next morning. Well so me and my mom woke up, so my mom got in the shower and I took a nice hot bath because my legs were aching so bad that i cryed, and we both got dressed and all ready too go, I took all my Medicine, checked my Blood Pressure, and my Temperature, and wrote it down in my Heart, and Medicine Check Book, that I have been have too use sense I first got home from the Hospital. So then we left our house and went to the Hospital Primary Children's Hospital in the ER. Well me and my mom went there and they took my Temperature and it was at 102 Degrees i think, Well so they did put in a Room finally, and the first thing they did is checked my Temp and my Blood Pressure. And they said They had too give me a IV, and also run some Blood Tests, and they had too Swab my Throat, and I was definitely POSITIVE, and they were so shocked cause they said that i just of just looked at her throat and not Swap that you wouldn't even thing that Megan would have of Strep. And they had too check my Sister Jacqueline, and my Brother Lamar they had too make sure they didn't have strep too so they both were NEGATIVE which was a good thing. And they said that they had too give me some Fluids and Antibiotics right away or I would might have too be ADMITED, but I didn't. Well so we were there all day long Saturday. So they had too checked if it was in my Blood Stream cause if so I would have too be ADMITED right away, but that took about 48 Hours for the results too  come back. Well so they Gave me some Antibiotics too take for the next 10 day's 3 time a day. So they said that I had too go too an Clinic Appointment on Monday so they can make sure I'm doing better. Well so we finally left the Hospital that night and had dinner and I took my Medicine and we all went finally asleep Zzzzzz

From Clinic On Last Thursday To The Day Of Being Sick And Then With High Fever And Low Blood Presure And Then.....

OK well the reason I have not been blogging for a long time like a week ago. Well this is why and this is what happened. So last Thursday which was a Clinic Day and on 29 of January. So me and my mommy woke up, so my mom got in the shower and I took a nice hot bath because my legs were aching so bad that i cryed, and we both got dressed and all ready too go, I took all my Medicine, checked my Blood Pressure, and my Temperature, and wrote it down in my Heart, and Medicine Check Book, that I have been have too use sense I first got home from the Hospital. So then we left our house and went to the Hospital Primary Children's Hospital. I first got my blood work done, then we went to Cardiology, so they got me ready and I got my Echo, EKG and all of that other stuff down.So and then me and mom waited for Dr.Everett and Michelle. And then she and her came in and we all talked about everything, and my Medicine and about me being really sick and stuff like that also my white Blood sell is still very,very Low,so and then he and Michelle checked me like listened to my Heart and stuff like that. So and then Michelle told me and my mom about when my Heart Cath is which it is in February on the thirteenth which is a Friday.So well I'm the second third case, which is kind of hard on me, cause usually I don't wake up for a very, very, very, very long time, and that scares Me and my mom, even the Doctor's too. Cause they don't know if it's my Heart or me just copping with that Coping skill I do, know see most of the times when I have Heart Cath's I usually have too stay over night at the Hospital so I really don't know. So on that Clinic Day I was perfectly fine, no Temperture no nothing, I was Healthy, esepted my White Count. And then the next day which was A Friday,well I woke Up and I realized My Thought was Hurting and burning, I felt really Sick so my mom made me some Soup and it burned my throat so I couldn't eat that. Well so my Mommy said Megan Please go back too bed you are so Sick, So that night I Trow upped once and had Diarrhea, and then my Mom told me to Check my Blood Persure so I did and it was so Low you couldn't believe it. Well at first it was like 78/52 Heart Rate at 85, then the Second tome it was like at 80/62 Heart Rate at 100, then the Third time it was at like 82/75 Heart Rate at 102. Well then my mom told me too wait a little while, so we then checked it later and it finally went up too 94/? and then like 101/82 Heart Rate at 105 which was really good, but then my Mom told me too Check my Temperature and I had a Low Grade Fever at first at 97.2 , and then the Second time it was up too 98.3, then the finally Third on was at 99.5,so then my Mom finally Went and Called Primary's Children's Medical Center Hospital. And so she finally got a hold or the Heart Transplant Coordinator and talked too Emily and told her what happened so then Emily said to my Mom "Paula"......

Friday, January 23, 2009

This Is What Has Been Going On For Last Few Day's

Well this is what has happened the few past days. Well on Tuesday I went and saw Julian and we talked about, well so we started talking. And she said "know Megan you need too stop doing this you have too try too get it out of your head or you well need to go too a Treatment Center for me to get help" But we are working it out and trying too find out how too stop it, so that's a good thing. well and then me and Julian we were talking about more stuff.  Anyways and then me and her had too talk about my niece jewels which is about some bad stuff with Jewels my niece. So we did do that and it went really really pretty good but very sad too, so know we are just going too make shore that Jewels is OK now. So we both finally got all done talking. and know Dr.Hendricks works at a Mental Treatment Center called Wasatch Canyons. And then me and my mom,sister Jacqueline, and my brother Lamar well we drove down too Price too pick up Jewels, and visit my Family exceptionally my Grandma because she has been sick and had A stroke. And then we drove back up too Salt Lake and we had Jewels with us,it was really fun with my Niece Jewels, we had so much fun. Well and my Grandma and Grandpa came up her and picked her up yesterday, I wished she could of stayed longer but she didn't. Well and then today me and my mom went too and had too talked too Dr.Heindrick's, well we talked and my mom left and me and him talked about some stuff like about my mood and things were going, and what my feelings were about what me and Julian has been talking about, Do we then finally got done Talking, and then he said had too change my Medicine so he did ,and he had too increase my Medicine and said if this thoughts keep getting worse more then he well have too add another Depressant Medication.Well that's about it ,I Well blog again soon.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

I'm Going Back Down Too Price For My Grandma Cause She Is Really Sick.

Well tomorrow, me and my Family are going down to Price again, down in Carbon County, and we well be going to go see my Niece Jewels, my Grandma and my wonderful hard,stressful family. It's mostly for my Grandma, well because my Grandma is very, very sick and nobuddy knows why, but she does but she wont tell no one any thing. And i'm very worried because i dont know what too do,well ya any ways. Well just let you guys know that we are going to wake up in the morning and me,my twin sister Jacqueline, my brother Lamar, and my mom are going to get up in the morning, take a shower and we well all get dressed and get ready to leave and I well take my Medicine and all of that stuff, then we well start on the go to Price. I well be in Price till about Saterday or Sunday night. we well drive back up to Salt Lake and well spend the rest of the day at home in Salt lake and I really want too  help my Grandma but she won't let any know or anything about anything, she sounds horriable like she's very sick, she talk too any one,and I think my Grandma had a Stroke, but I'm not shure. And just to let you all know I well try to Blog when I get back home, but it deepens if I have some time too, and how things are going, so know I'm going to get in bed so I can wake up early in the morning so I have enough time to do every thing and get everything done in the morning, and most very, very, very important thing is my Health and Heart Mediciane and all that other stuff that I have to do every morning, So ya well now I'm going to take my Medicine and go too bed. well have sweet dreams and good night. And Please Pray for my Sweet Grandma. Zzzzzzz

All About Today's Clinic Day.

Today was and is Thursday, which is A Clinic Day. So me and my mommy woke up, so my mom got in the shower and I took a nice hot bath because my legs were aching so bad that i cryed, and we both got dressed and all ready too go, I took all my Medicine, checked my Blood Pressure, and my Temperature, and wrote it down in my Heart, and Medicine Check Book, that I have been have too use sense I first got home from the Hospital. So then we left our house and went to the Hospital Primary Children's Hospital. I first got my blood work done, then we went to Cardiology, so they got me ready and I got my Echo, EKG and all of that other stuff down.So and then me and mom waited for Dr.Tani and Michelle. And then he and her came in and we all talked about everything, and my Medicine and about me being really sick and stuff like that also my white Blood sell is still very,very Low,so we then talked with with the Doctor about me being really sick. And then he and Michelle checked me like listened to my Heart and stuff like that. So and then Michelle told me and my mom about when my Heart Cath is which it is in February on the thirteenth which is a Friday.So well I'm the second third case, which is kind of hard on me, cause usually I don't wake up for a very, very, very, very long time, and that scares Me and my mom, even the Doctor's too. Cause they don't know if it's my Heart or me just copping with that Coping skill I do, know see most of the times when I have Heart Cath's I usually have too stay over night at the Hospital so I really don't know. Anyways so we finally got all done with Clinic, and then I saw one of my Heart Babies, wicth his name is Teagan. Well and it was so fun and he is such a sweetheart. So then we went home finally from the hospital and spent the rest of the day at home with my wonderful family, my twin sister Jacqueline, my big brother Lamar, and my wonderful Mom, so we had dinner, I finished my Homework, cause I had school today. Well and then me and my Family had dinner and it was good, so I wacthed Grey's Anatomy  and Private Practice and I took my nice hot shower and got ready for bed. and then I went too sleep. Zzzzzzzz

All About Yesterday's Appoitment With Julian Smith.

OK well as all you all know that yesterday was Wednesday which was my appointment withe Dr.Julian Smith and well for now on  only go see Julian on Wednesdays, cause I now she is moving too a new office again. So please you all  don't for get all of that. well so me and my mommy woke up, we were kind of late, but not that bad as we usually are well any ways. So we then both got in the shower, and we both got dressed and all ready too go too, well then I took all my Medicine, checked my Blood Pressure, and my Temperature, and wrote it down in my Heart, and Medicine Check Book, that I have been have too use sense I first got home from the Hospital still, don't forget that ether. So then we  left our house about at 1:00am  and went to the Julian's new office down by Trolley Square. Well so then I went  and waited for Julian and then she came and got me, well so we started talking. And she said "know Megan you need too stop doing this you have too try too get it out of your head or you well need to go too a Treatment Center for me to get help" But we are working it out and trying too find out how too stop it, so that's a good thing. well and then me and Julian we were talking about more stuff.  Anyways and then me and her had too talk about my niece jewels which is about some bad stuff with Jewels my niece. So we did do that and it went really really pretty good but very sad too, so know we are just going too make shore that Jewels is OK now. So we both finally got all done talking. and know Dr.Hendricks works at a Mental Treatment Center called Wasatch Canyons. So then I and My moms friend finally got all done with everything and stuff that we had too do, so we then left and went finally home. I also then took my late afternoon Medicine wicth is always around six. So the I spent the rest of the day at home with my wonderful family, my twin sister, my big brother Lamar, and my wonderful Mom too,but she wasn't with us because she had too drive down too ST.George for a dentist appointment, but she was going too be home that night wicth was good. Well so we  then had dinner, and then I started on my Homework that is going too be due in like a day or two but I'm not quit shore really, but i got all done wich was fantastic.Well I then  wacthed Hanna Montana, Nip/Tuck and also the Movie called Camp Rock with The Jonas Brothers and Demi Lavoto, oh and also A movie called Another Cinderella Story and Selena Gomez plays in it which is pretty good. So I then took my nice hot shower and also took all of my Medication, and then I checked my Blood Pressure and Temperature, and I got ready for bed and me and my Family finally went to sleep and had sweet nice wonderful dreams. Zzzzzz

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

All About My Last Monday's Clinic Day And What Well Happen After My Apoitment With Julian Smith.

So know here's the deal well first of all I totally forget about last weeks Clinic Day  and well the only thing I remember is about my White Blood Cell Level wicth is very bad cause its way too low and they don't know why and some more things too And well I well blog again Tomorrow after my whole day with my Appointment with Julian Smith.OK well as all you all know that today it is Monday and well today was not Clinic, cause I now I have no more clinic day's on Monday's remember. So Shore you all  don't for get all of that stuff. Any way's well so me and my mommy woke up, we were kind of late, but not that bad as we usually are well any ways. So we then both got in the shower, and we both got dressed and all ready too go too, well then I took all my Medicine, checked my Blood Pressure, and my Temperature, and wrote it down in my Heart, and Medicine Check Book, that I have been have too use sense I first got home from the Hospital still, don't forget that ether. So then we left our house and went to the Julian's new office down by Trolley Square. Well and now remember theirs no more Clinic Day's on Monday's, well so now on Monday's I still only go see Julian Smith and Dr.Jeramey Hendrick's too, well nothing has changed from that. So I waited for Dr.Hendricks and Dr.Smith too, so then we started talking. My Psychologist Dr.Jeremy Hendricks, and Dr.Julian Smith was there and they were really worried about all of the stuff we have been talking about. They didn't know if it was a Behavioral thing, or a way just to cope. But we think why I do it, its just do it cause it is a good very good coping strategy, and it helps but its not what people do in life, and so we are now working on trying to find out what other coping skills well help, then they said that "If this never stops that I well have go back too the Residential Treatment Center for me to get help, But we are working it out and trying too find new coping skills, so that's a good thing. Well so ya any way's so me and Julian was not done talking, but Dr.Hendrick's was. well me and Julian we were talking and stuff like that. Anyways and then she told me that me and her had too talk about my niece jewels which is about bad stuff with Jewels my niece. So we did do that and it went really bad and very sad too, so know we are just going too make shore that Jewels is OK now. So we both finally got all done talking, and we went got my mom. Well see now Julian and Dr.Hendricks moved their places so they don't work at the Hospital any more. Julian works at a office building next too Trolley Square and Dr.Hendricks works at a Mental Treatment Center called Wasatch Canyons. So then we finally got all done with everything and stuff, so we then left and went finally home. I also then took my late afternoon Medicine wicth is always around six. So we then we went home and spent the rest of the day at home with my wonderful family, my twin sister, my big brother Lamar, and my wonderful Mom, so we had dinner, and then I started on my Homework that is going too be due in like a day or three but I'm not quit shore really, but i really didn't get it all done so I'm going too finish it tomorrow, oh and then I wacthed Hanna Montana, Nip/Tuck and also the Movie called Camp Rock with The Jonas Brothers and Demi Lavoto. So I then took my shower and also took all of my Medication, and then I checked my Blood Pressure and Temperature, and I got ready for bed and we finally went to sleep. Zzzzzz